2009年2月3日 星期二

聖嚴法師的圓寂 , 心中有所失落 !

今天一早醒來就聽見外面下雨聲音 , 彷彿是老天爺為了聖嚴法的圓寂而哀傷掉淚 , 昨天下午4點零4分過世聽到這消息時真不敢相信我心中的心靈大師已離開這個世界了, 真是佛界一大損失 , 在台灣佛教有四大代表 , 中部中台禪寺惟覺法師 , 南部佛光山星雲法師 ,東部慈濟證嚴法師 , 北部法鼓山聖嚴法師 , 而我對於聖嚴法師的弘法理念深植我心 , 他一生提倡心靈環保 , 說好話做好事轉好運 , 創造人間淨土 , 聽他開釋可得到心寧的平靜 , 他是一位智著也是當代的心寧環保大師 , 期望他的遺願心寧環保大學可早日實現 !

Outside today early in the morning wakes hears to rain the sound, but is as if the God died for the Master Sheng-Yen sheds tears sadly, Yesterday in the afternoon 4.04 minutes passed away hears when this news really do not dare to believe in my heart mind master left this world, really was a Buddha big loss, had four representatives in the Taiwan Buddhism, middle the Taiwan Chung Tai Chan Monastery Master Wei Chueh, south Fo Guang Shan Monastery Master Hsing Yun , the east Tzu Chi Master Cheng Yen's , the north Dhrma Drum Mountain Master Sheng-Yen , But I plant my heart deeply regarding the Sheng-Yen master's great method idea , His life advocate mind environmental protection, said the word of praise does good transfers the good luck, the creation world pure land, listens to him to release may obtain the heart rather tranquility, he is a wisdom also is a contemporary heart rather environmental protection master, expected his last wish heart rather environmental protection university might soon realize !

