2009年7月16日 星期四

世運開幕表演其中的偶戲 , 想起小時候的回憶 !

2009世運開幕表演其中的偶戲表演 , 讓我想起小時候每天下課放學後 , 總是與同學停留在學校附近的雜貨店(柑仔店)買糖果吃 , 含著糖看電視連續劇 - 黃俊雄布袋戲雲州大儒俠史艷文 ,並非是家中沒有電視可以觀賞 , 而是每次看完走在回家的路上 , 同學們迷戀劇情的討論 , 所產生彼此之間互動關系 , 使的父母親想不通孩子到底到哪裡了咧 ? 四處的尋找小孩 , 那段天真無知的童年 ! 偶戲個人推崇的有 1. 林柳新紀念偶戲博物館 Lin Liu-Hsin Puppet Theatre Museum http://www.taipeipuppet.com/ 2.金光總部官方網站Bangbubu.com http://www.bangbubu.com/ 台灣偶戲的代表喔 !

2009 the world games begin the performance puppet show performance,After letting me remember the childhood to finish class every day is on vacation from school,Always pauses with schoolmate in the school nearby grocery store (gamashop) buys the candy to eat,Holds the sugar to watch the TV serial - The Scholar Swordsman , Is by no means in the family does not have the television to be possible to watch , But each time looked walks on the road which goes home,Schoolmates are infatuated with the plot the discussion , Produces between each other to interact the relations , parents not to be able to thinks not clearly , Where has the child gone to ? In all directions seeks for the child , That section of naive ignorant childhoods ! The puppet show esteems personally hasLin Liu-Hsin Puppet Theatre Museum http://www.taipeipuppet.com/ 2.Bangbubu.com http://www.bangbubu.com/ Taiwan puppet show's representative!

2009年7月14日 星期二

2009世運7/16在高雄舉行 !!!

2009年第八屆世界運動會7月16日在高雄舉行 , 這將是高雄今年的重頭戲 , 高雄&愛河近幾年來蛻變為現代的城市 , 高雄捷運通車交通更為便捷 , 愛河的整治增加這個城市的浪漫 , 這跟留在腦海裡的映像中截然不同 , 這次2009的世運讓高雄這個港口都市站上國際的舞台 , 希望可以圓滿的落幕 , 讓各國的旅客有個精彩甜蜜的回憶 , 下次再次光臨我們的國家 - 台灣 . 想要了解更2009世運詳細資訊請至以下的官方網站 http://www.worldgames2009.tw/wg2009/cht/index.php

In 2009 The World Games (2009 Kaohsiung Orgnizing Committee (KOC) on July 16 are held in Kaohsiung , this will be the Kaohsiung this year climax, Kaohsiung & Love river transforming in the last few years into the modern city, the Kaohsiung DORTS is open to traffic the transportation to be more convenient , love river the improvement increasing this urban the romantic, this with keeps in the mind in the reflection entirely different, this 2009 world games let the Kaohsiung this harbor metropolis stand the international stage , hoped may complete ending , let various countries the passenger has a splendid happy recollection, next time once more presence our country - Taiwan. The wish understands 2009 the world games detailed informations please to the following official website http://www.worldgames2009.tw/wg2009/cht/index.php

2009年7月9日 星期四

農曆七月未來臨之前送豬腳麵線給父母添壽吧 !

農曆七月未來臨之前送豬腳麵線給父母添壽吧 !
Before lunar calendar in July has not approached delivers the pig's feet Fine noodles to add long-lived to the parents !

趕緊打手機給我住在台中的女兒叫她買一份豬腳麵線給外公 (我父母住台中地區) , 這是我第一次做這個習俗 , 民間習俗閏月之前要送豬腳麵線給父母添壽,閩南地區較重視這項習俗,一般都是女兒送 , 且不管有沒有出嫁,如沒有女兒,則由兒子送,為爸媽添壽。有人好幾個姊妹,會訂購一份,其餘包紅包,否則吃不完喔。
由於今年鬼門一開就是兩個月(雙鬼月)一般喜慶都儘可能避開,農曆七月諸事不宜 . 所以在農曆未來臨之前完成這個習俗吧 !

Think of early in the morning today the hurry make cell phone call lives for me in the daughter of Taichung call her buy a pig feet fine noodles for the grandfather (my parents live Taichung region) , This is the first time I did this custom , The civil custom intercalary month before wants to send to pig feet's the fine noodles to add a life for parents , The South Fukien region more values this custom , All generally is a daughter to send, and ignore to have to get married , If there is no daughter, is then sent by son , Add a life for daddy's & mama。Someone's quite a few sisters , will order 1 , the rest wraps red envelope and otherwise eat not to finishIn the lunar calendar 12 months , July is the month avoided as taboo most , Because this year ghost door an open is two months (double ghost month) , The General jubilation all as far as possible avoids , lunar calendar all things are not in July suitable. Before therefore has not approached in lunar calendar in July completes this custom !

2009年7月8日 星期三

一位巨星的猝死 ... 麥可傑克森 ( A giant star's sudden death....Michael Jackson)

一位巨星的猝死 ... 麥可傑克森昨日已下葬 , 他的人生畫下了句點 , 他的歌聲永遠留傳世人 !
我想造成他人生最大的陰影應該是他的父親 , 麥可傑克森所受父親影響之大可以由一個黑人變成白人以及不斷的整型 , 使他走上了不歸路英年早逝 , 他的父親應負最大的責任吧 !

A giant star's sudden death ... Michael Jackson yesterday has buried , His life picture has gotten down the period , His singing sound forever hands down the common people !
I want to create his life biggest shadow to be supposed to be his father, The wheat may the Michael Jackson receive big father influence may turn the Caucasian by a black as well as unceasing trueing , caused him to step onto not the return avenue the prime of life dies young , His father should take the biggest responsibility!