2009年7月16日 星期四

世運開幕表演其中的偶戲 , 想起小時候的回憶 !

2009世運開幕表演其中的偶戲表演 , 讓我想起小時候每天下課放學後 , 總是與同學停留在學校附近的雜貨店(柑仔店)買糖果吃 , 含著糖看電視連續劇 - 黃俊雄布袋戲雲州大儒俠史艷文 ,並非是家中沒有電視可以觀賞 , 而是每次看完走在回家的路上 , 同學們迷戀劇情的討論 , 所產生彼此之間互動關系 , 使的父母親想不通孩子到底到哪裡了咧 ? 四處的尋找小孩 , 那段天真無知的童年 ! 偶戲個人推崇的有 1. 林柳新紀念偶戲博物館 Lin Liu-Hsin Puppet Theatre Museum http://www.taipeipuppet.com/ 2.金光總部官方網站Bangbubu.com http://www.bangbubu.com/ 台灣偶戲的代表喔 !

2009 the world games begin the performance puppet show performance,After letting me remember the childhood to finish class every day is on vacation from school,Always pauses with schoolmate in the school nearby grocery store (gamashop) buys the candy to eat,Holds the sugar to watch the TV serial - The Scholar Swordsman , Is by no means in the family does not have the television to be possible to watch , But each time looked walks on the road which goes home,Schoolmates are infatuated with the plot the discussion , Produces between each other to interact the relations , parents not to be able to thinks not clearly , Where has the child gone to ? In all directions seeks for the child , That section of naive ignorant childhoods ! The puppet show esteems personally hasLin Liu-Hsin Puppet Theatre Museum http://www.taipeipuppet.com/ 2.Bangbubu.com http://www.bangbubu.com/ Taiwan puppet show's representative!

