2009年7月9日 星期四

農曆七月未來臨之前送豬腳麵線給父母添壽吧 !

農曆七月未來臨之前送豬腳麵線給父母添壽吧 !
Before lunar calendar in July has not approached delivers the pig's feet Fine noodles to add long-lived to the parents !

趕緊打手機給我住在台中的女兒叫她買一份豬腳麵線給外公 (我父母住台中地區) , 這是我第一次做這個習俗 , 民間習俗閏月之前要送豬腳麵線給父母添壽,閩南地區較重視這項習俗,一般都是女兒送 , 且不管有沒有出嫁,如沒有女兒,則由兒子送,為爸媽添壽。有人好幾個姊妹,會訂購一份,其餘包紅包,否則吃不完喔。
由於今年鬼門一開就是兩個月(雙鬼月)一般喜慶都儘可能避開,農曆七月諸事不宜 . 所以在農曆未來臨之前完成這個習俗吧 !

Think of early in the morning today the hurry make cell phone call lives for me in the daughter of Taichung call her buy a pig feet fine noodles for the grandfather (my parents live Taichung region) , This is the first time I did this custom , The civil custom intercalary month before wants to send to pig feet's the fine noodles to add a life for parents , The South Fukien region more values this custom , All generally is a daughter to send, and ignore to have to get married , If there is no daughter, is then sent by son , Add a life for daddy's & mama。Someone's quite a few sisters , will order 1 , the rest wraps red envelope and otherwise eat not to finishIn the lunar calendar 12 months , July is the month avoided as taboo most , Because this year ghost door an open is two months (double ghost month) , The General jubilation all as far as possible avoids , lunar calendar all things are not in July suitable. Before therefore has not approached in lunar calendar in July completes this custom !

