2009年3月3日 星期二

一分錢一分貨 penny money penny goods

今天下午跟我老公到附近的黃昏市場閒逛 . 買了一些蛋最近蛋價涨很多 ,現在每600公克台幣36.- , 去年的蛋價每600公克是台幣25.-~28.- , 涨了將40%真是太離譜了 , 又看買了三條白蘿蔔只要台幣10.- , 但是我擔心它的品質 , 回到家先煮一條看看 , 果然我所擔心得成為事實 , 買了煮不爛的空心白蘿蔔了 , 真是所謂的一分錢一分貨 , 又買到黑心商品了 , 真是的下次再也不去那家攤販買了 !

The evening market that gets to neighborhood with my husband this afternoon meanders along . Bought some eggs recent egg price a lot of, the now is at each 600 gram NT$36.- , The egg price in last year is each 600 gram is NT$25.-~28.- , Was really too wide of the mark 40%, and then saw buy three Japanese white radishes to want NT$10 only.- , But I worry its quality and return to a house to cook 1 first to see, indeed as expected I worry become fact, bought to cook a not lousy hollow Japanese white radish, is really so-called penny money penny goods, and then bought a black heart merchandise, be really of don't go that peddler and buy any further next time!

