Zaho,法國R&B/HIP-HOP新人女歌手,從小在阿爾及利亞長大,後隨家人移居加拿大蒙特利爾。迷人的節奏,迷幻的聲音,帶著點拉丁的味道,透著一絲絲性感,一些些誘惑,閉上眼睛跟著節奏輕輕搖擺,跳躍中的精靈跟著歌聲流竄。 2007年憑藉一首“Tu reconnais”(翻唱Timbaland和Nelly Furtado及Justin Timberlake合作的Give It To Me)而出名。 2008年ZAHO首張專輯《Dima》發行,其中單曲“C\'est Chelou”在法國榜上排位甚高,在第三的位置。
Zaho, French R & B / HIP-HOP new female singer, grew up from childhood in Algeria, moved to Montreal, QC,Canada with her family after. Trance rhythms, psychedelic sound, with a point of Latin flavor, the slightest trace of sexy, some more temptation, close your eyes follow the rhythm of gently rocking, singing along with the wizard jumps in flows. 2007 with a "Tu reconnais" (cover of Timbaland and Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake collaboration Give It To Me) is known. Zaho 2008 debut album "Dima" issue, which singles "C \ 'est Chelou" high ranking championship in France in the third position.
2011年10月31日 星期一
2011年10月26日 星期三
AfroKen 爆炸狗
AfroKen is very innocent and blameless personality and tend to be in good mood all the time.
AfroKen is attracted to fluffy things which look like his hair.
Color and style of AfroKen’s hair will change to the color of the fluffy things.
AfroKen is attracted to fluffy things which look like his hair.
Color and style of AfroKen’s hair will change to the color of the fluffy things.
© SAN- X有限公司。保留所有權利。
Tarepanda 趴趴熊
Tarepanda which means “lazy” panda or “droopy” panda in Japanese. More specifically “Tare” means lying on the tummy or can be described as slump down/slouch. These panda’s characters form by rolling around. How lazy? Just for your record TarePanda is so lazy and slow that moves about 2.75 meters per hour. (according to company literature) TarePanda loves to eat mochi (especially Suama, Japanese sweets).
Tarepanda 趴趴熊 這意味著“懶”的大熊貓,或“下垂”的大熊貓在日本。更具體的“皮重”是指躺在趴著或可以關閉/沒精打采的不景氣。這些大熊貓的字符的形式滾動周圍。如何懶惰?恰恰是如此懶惰,緩慢,約2.75米,每小時移動記錄 TarePanda 趴趴熊 。 (根據公司文學)TarePanda趴趴熊 喜歡吃年糕(特別是Suama,日本甜食)。
© SAN- X有限公司。保留所有權利。
Kireizukinseikatu 小浣熊
Irresponsible raccoon “Mar”, he is usually lazy but he changes his attitude whenever he wears hood on his head. He rarely cleans up the room before wearing the hood, but after wearing the hood on his head, like personality changes, he become an expert on smarten up and clean up the room, also he can be called “Kireizukin”.
© SAN- X有限公司。保留所有權利。
Kamonohashikamo 呆頭鴨嘴獸
“Kamonohashikamo” he is wishy-washy and always adopting himself in evasive attitude.
He looks like a “Duckbill”, however, he actually isn’t really sure if he is a duckbill or not.
He looks like a “Duckbill”, however, he actually isn’t really sure if he is a duckbill or not.
© SAN- X有限公司。保留所有權利。
Kutsushita Nyanko 夜貓貓
“Kutsushita Nyanko”, a cat wearing socks on his every legs.
His real name is “Bon Chan”.
Wearing socks to the cat is a really popular among cat-lovers and his behavior definitely will attract everyone.
“Kutsushita Nyanko”夜貓貓,穿著襪子在他的每腿一隻貓。
His real name is “Bon Chan”.
Wearing socks to the cat is a really popular among cat-lovers and his behavior definitely will attract everyone.
© SAN- X有限公司。保留所有權利。
Sentimental Circus 情深馬戲團 (憂傷馬戲團)
After the whole town is felt asleep quietly, neglected abandoned toys are awaking one by one and gathering together..
"Kuro", performer of the rolling globe.
"Mr. Bear", performer of the tightrope walking.
"Pigu" & "Mamo" performer of trapeze acts.
And when "Shappo", impresario, appears,
the curtain of the mysterious circus, "Sentimental Circus" goes up somewhere again.
"Kuro", performer of the rolling globe.
"Mr. Bear", performer of the tightrope walking.
"Pigu" & "Mamo" performer of trapeze acts.
And when "Shappo", impresario, appears,
the curtain of the mysterious circus, "Sentimental Circus" goes up somewhere again.
© SAN- X有限公司。保留所有權利。
Mamegoma 小海豹
“Mamegoma” is a new variety of SEAL which was found recently. They’re distinctive features from normal seal are palm-sized and friendly. You may find to house them really easy, so why don’t you bring them back home?
Isn’t it exciting to know that you can house seals, which usually meet and see at the aquarium?
Isn’t it exciting to know that you can house seals, which usually meet and see at the aquarium?
© SAN- X有限公司。保留所有權利。
Monokoro Boo 黑白豬
Monokoro Boo, Black and White Pigs are gathering and not sure what they are thinking and where they are going, so you can’t take your eyes off them.
They seem to be lovey-dovey couple and resemble each other, so it’s almost impossible to identify or distinguish which one is really Monokuro Boo.
Monokoro Boo黑白豬,黑色和白色的豬聚集在一起,不知道他們在想什麼,哪裡去了,所以你不能不去關注他們。
他們似乎魔力學堂的情侶,彼此相似,所以它幾乎是不可能的,以確定或區分哪一個是真的Monokuro Boo黑白豬。
They seem to be lovey-dovey couple and resemble each other, so it’s almost impossible to identify or distinguish which one is really Monokuro Boo.
Monokoro Boo黑白豬,黑色和白色的豬聚集在一起,不知道他們在想什麼,哪裡去了,所以你不能不去關注他們。
他們似乎魔力學堂的情侶,彼此相似,所以它幾乎是不可能的,以確定或區分哪一個是真的Monokuro Boo黑白豬。
Rilakkuma 鬆弛熊
“Rilakkuma” means “Bear in relaxed mood”.
At all time and everywhere he goes he is continuously lazy and relaxed.
He is totally stress-free and also doing things on his own pace.
He is someone impossible to be hated by others.
You will be dragged into Rilakkuma’s world and become lazy and relaxed while watching what everything he does.
At all time and everywhere he goes he is continuously lazy and relaxed.
He is totally stress-free and also doing things on his own pace.
He is someone impossible to be hated by others.
You will be dragged into Rilakkuma’s world and become lazy and relaxed while watching what everything he does.
2011年10月17日 星期一
2011 台北世界設計大展為「建國一百年,台灣設計年」系列活動之一環 , Master D 設計達人 ,為一個三頭六臂的外星人,象徵著無所不能、才華洋溢的設計師,而橘紅色外表的明豔彩度,更予人溫暖四射的熱情.
2011臺北世界設計大展 松山文創園區 地址:110臺北市信義區光復南路133號
2011 Taipei World Design Expo as “Founds a nation for 100 years, the Taiwan design year” of a link series activities, Master D designs professional, is a Superhuman powers alien, Is symbol of the omnipotent,talented designers,But the appearance of the brightly orange saturation, More to the people warm radiance of passion.
2011 Taipei World Design Expo Songshan Cultural & Creative Park
Address: No. 133, Guāngfù South Rd, Sinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan 110
賽德克、巴萊 林口霧社街-場景(一)武德殿Butoduten
2011-10-17 賽德克、巴萊 林口霧社街-場景(一)武德殿 Butoduten
電影中,武德殿是日治時期訓練警察及習武場所,由於武德殿裡外均會入境,因此武德殿的建造十分嚴謹與講究.踏上石階,進入伍德殿內,古樸整潔的日式地板讓人心情也變的沉靜.鳥瞰遠景,映入眼簾的是櫻花台及霧社街全景,再向遠方望去,卻又能見到台北港,彷彿令人有種錯置時間門檻的感覺. P.S文章擷取林口霧社街導覽手冊
In the movie, Butoduten is Japanese colonial period to police and Martial arts venues , As Butoduten inside out because the house will be cast into the environment. Therefore, Butoduten the construction is extremely rigorous with is fastidious. Set foot on the stone steps into the Butoduten, simple and clean Japanese people feel the floor has become quiet. bird's-eye view perspective, the eye is the cherry blossom platform and panoramic Wushe Street, again looked from afar, But to see the Taipei port, If the threshold is a kind of misplaced sense of time. PS Articles retrieved with Linkou Wushe Street Guide Book
電影中,武德殿是日治時期訓練警察及習武場所,由於武德殿裡外均會入境,因此武德殿的建造十分嚴謹與講究.踏上石階,進入伍德殿內,古樸整潔的日式地板讓人心情也變的沉靜.鳥瞰遠景,映入眼簾的是櫻花台及霧社街全景,再向遠方望去,卻又能見到台北港,彷彿令人有種錯置時間門檻的感覺. P.S文章擷取林口霧社街導覽手冊
習武場所 Martial arts venues
見到台北港 see the Taipei port
霧社街全景 panoramic Wushe Street
日式地板 Japanese the floor
武德殿 Butoduten
2011-10-17 Seediq、Bale Linkou Wushe Street-Scene (I) Butoduten
賽德克、巴萊 林口霧社街-場景(三)診療室 Clinic
2011-10-17 賽德克、巴萊 林口霧社街-場景(三)診療室 Clinic
診療所是霧社街裡日人的小型醫院,診間內除了設置日治時期先進的醫療設施外,電影中的擔架、紗布等醫療道具均在此完整呈現,不禁讓人感受到事件發生時的慘烈狀況及療診所的緊張氣氛. P.S文章擷取林口霧社街導覽手冊
診療所 Clinic
擔架、紗布等醫療道具 Stretcher, gauze and other medical props
掛號處窗口 at the Registration window
2011-10-17 Seediq, Bale Linkou Wushe Street - scene (III) clinic
Wushe clinic is a small street in the Japanese hospital, clinic set up between the Japanese colonial period in addition to advanced medical facilities, movie stretcher, gauze and other medical props are presented in full, can not help but feel the time of the incident the tragic situation of tension and treatment clinics. PS Articles retrieved with Linkou Wushe Street Guide Book
賽德克、巴萊 林口霧社街-場景(二)霧社分室 Wushe Pelice Department
2011-10-17 賽德克、巴萊 林口霧社街-場景(二)霧社分室 Wushe Pelice Department
霧社分室的地理位置相當於今日南投縣警察局仁愛分局,是日治時期霧社地區最高的警政單位. 電影中霧社街景戲份最吃重的電影場景即為霧社分室, 此處可感受日本軍事重地的肅穆氣氛, 內部設計及擺設均十分考究, 從30年代的檯燈及打字機到當時分社主任佐塚愛辦公室裡的菸灰缸都一應俱全, 絲毫不馬虎. P.S文章擷取林口霧社街導覽手冊
佐塚愛辦公室 Zuo Ai Otsuka office
軍事重地彈藥庫 Military powerhouse ammunition depot
槍都是用玻璃纖維製作的喔! Guns made with fiberglass!
軍事重地彈藥庫 Military powerhouse ammunition depot
30年代的檯燈及打字機 The 1930s to the lamp and the typewriter
Wushe Pelice Department location is equivalent to today's Nantou County, Ren-ai Branch Police Department, Japanese colonial period Wushe highest policing unit area. Wushe street scenes in the film's most heavy and the film scene is Wushe compartment, Here to experience the solemn atmosphere of the Japanese military areas, Interior design and furnishings are very elegant, From the 1930s to the lamp and the typewriter was branch director Zuo Ai Otsuka at the office to ashtrays are everything needed is supplied in the office, Fearsomely. PS Articles retrieved with Linkou Wushe Street Guide Book
2011年10月9日 星期日
2011年10月09日舞蹈課,歌名:Incomprise - 歌手:Zaho
這首歌名:Incomprise - 歌手:Zaho 的舞蹈,Patty Chiang老師與于2011年10月9日已教導完成,, 以下是今天教學錄影 !
dance lesson
song Incomprise singer Zaho, danced Mrs.Patty Chiang professor to finish On October 09, 2011 , the following is today teaching video
2011年10月2日 星期日
2011年10月02日舞蹈課,歌名:Incomprise - 歌手:Zaho
2011年10月02日舞蹈課,歌名:Incomprise - 歌手:Zaho,以下為Patty Chiang老師的錄影教導 .
On October 02, 2011 the dance lesson dance music, song:bump - singer:Trish,the following is Kitty teacher's video recording guidance for this reason.
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