2009年12月24日 星期四

EMI'S Kitchen-它是初學者的家庭烹飪食譜組合的網站。

EMI'S Kitchen-它是初學者的家庭烹飪食譜組合的網站 
http://homepage3.nifty.com/emimama/ 。  
另一個是家庭料理的節約 - 今日のお手軽レシピ~家庭料理で節約しよう的網站 
http://1okazu.com/EMI'S Kitchen-It is beginner's family cooking recipes combination website
Another is the family attends to saves - Today it probably will save easily with recipes ~ It will save with home cooking website http://1okazu.com/

2009年12月23日 星期三

聖誕舞鞋 Christmas Shoes (by: Newsong)

今晚是聖誕夜 , 分享這首感人的"聖誕舞鞋"這首是pulk上英語噗小姐寄給我的歌曲 , 希望大家聖誕夜平安 , 並祝明天能有個美好的聖誕節 ! 
The tonight is the Christmas night, shares this touching " Christmas Shoes " This is on pulk English puff young lady sends for mine song, hoped that everybody Christmas night of safety, and will wish can have a happy Christmas day tomorrow!
It was almost Christmas time,

There I stood in another line

Tryin' to buy that last gift or two,

Not really in the Christmas mood

Standing right in front of me was

A little boy waiting anxiously

Pacing 'round like little boys do

And in his hands he held a pair of shoes

His clothes were worn and old,

He was dirty from head to toe

And when it came his time to pay

I couldn't believe what I heard him say

Sir, I want to buy these shoes

For my Mama, please

It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size

Could you hurry, sir,

Daddy says there's not much time

You see she's been sick for quite a while

And I know these shoes would make her smile

And I want her to look beautiful if Mama meets Jesus tonight

He counted pennies for what seemed like years

Then the cashier said, "Son, there's not enough here"

He searched his pockets frantically

Then he turned and he looked at me

He said Mama made Christmas good at our house, though most years she just did without

Tell me Sir, what am I going to do

Somehow I've got to buy her these Christmas shoes

So I laid the money down,

I just had to help him out

I'll never forget the look on his face when

He said Mama's gonna look so great

Sir, I want to buy these shoes

For my Mama, please

It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size

Could you hurry, sir,

Daddy says there's not much time

You see she's been sick for quite a while

And I know these shoes would make her smile

And I want her to look beautiful if Mama meets Jesus tonight

I knew I'd caught a glimpse of heaven's love

As he thanked me and ran out

I knew that God had sent that little boy

To remind me just what Christmas is all about

節約料理 Saves the ingredients

近年來全球經濟不景氣 , 家庭主婦想盡辦法節約 , 在亞洲地區日本有幾個節約家計簿及節約料理網站還不錯 , 可供主婦們參考 , 今天介紹 - 節約レシピBOOK 簡単料理&節約料理レシピ這個網站 http://sbook.gozaru.jp/  

In recent years the global economic was not booming,The housewife does everything possible to save, Has several in Asian area Japan to save the family accounts book and to attend to the website to be also good frugal, May for the housewives to refer, Today introduced - Conservation Recipe BOOK The Ingredients Simply & Conservation Cooking Recipe this website http://sbook.gozaru.jp/

2009年12月20日 星期日

Westlife-What About Now

來至愛爾蘭的(西域男孩),放眼現今的樂團,可以說是最受歡迎的美聲團體了。今年這首歌曲個人喜歡聽 , 其此樂團的官方網站如下 :來至愛爾蘭Westlife(西域男孩)放眼現今的樂團,西域男孩可以說是最受歡迎的美聲團體了。今年這首歌曲Westlife-What About Now 個人喜歡聽 , 其此樂團的官方網站如下 :
Comes to Ireland's ( The Westlife ), takes a broad view at nowadays's orchestra, may say that is beautiful sound association which most receives welcome. This year song What About Now likes listening personally, its this orchestra's official website is as follows:

2009年12月9日 星期三

王力宏 - 第一個清晨

現在的男歌手眾多 , 其中歌手王力宏是我所欣賞的男歌手之一 , 2006年8月發行專輯" 蓋世英雄"中內的一首歌曲 - "第一個清晨 " , 我個人愛聽它 , 其王力宏官方網站如下 http://www.wangleehom.com/
Present's male singer is numerous, singer Wang Lihong is one which of male singers I appreciate, in August, 2006 distributes special edition " Matchless hero "In song - " First early morning " , I like listening to it , its Wang Lihong official website is as follows http://www.wangleehom.com/

2009年11月5日 星期四

如果人生可以重來 ! If the life may come again !

今天我的德國網友Lidia Ch說 Wo ist die RESET Taste??? Ich möchte mein Leben ncohmal von vorne beginnen ! 大多數的人都想如果人生可以重來,都希望再一次從頭開始,但是那是不可能的事,所以要把握現在,展望未來,不要重蹈覆轍,就可擁有精彩的人生 !

Today my German net friend Lidia Ch said : where is the RESETS key??? I would like to begin my life ncohmal from the front ! The majority people thought that if the life may come again, hoped that again from the beginning starts, but that is the impossible matter, must therefore grasp the present, the look forward to the future, do not make same mistakes over again, may have the splendid life !
Lidia Ch recommendation Michael Bublé - "Haven't Met You Yet" Official Video.New album Crazy Love available October 9th! Directed by Rich Lee. http://www.michaelbuble.com

2009年10月9日 星期五

今天是雙十國慶日! Today is National Day !

今天是雙十國慶日,因八月八日莫拉克颱風引影響政府今年沒舉辦國慶 , 在線上的好友們為我們的國家說聲"生日快樂吧 !

Today is National Day, because on August 8 the Morakot typhoon directs influence government not to conduct the National Day this year, the online on good friends said sound " for ours country; Happy birthday!

2009年10月7日 星期三

Daddy, you can let go now

今天我的朋友Santy Cheng上傳影片 "Daddy, you can let go now"在我的Facebook裡 , 看了這部影片 , 回想起我與父親以前的日子,真正地觸動我心深處 ! 影片往址如下 :

Today friend of Santy Cheng uploading video “Daddy, you can let go now " in mine Facebook, watched this video, recollected I with the father beforehand day, touch my heart deep place truly ! The video is as follows :

2009年10月2日 星期五

中秋佳節快樂 !

中秋節 , 每年農曆八月十五日 , 全家團圓晚上吃月餅賞月的日子 , 中秋佳節快樂 !

我們的家庭喜愛月餅都是經營百年以上的店家 - 詳細資料如下 :

豐原犁記餅店總舖 , 創立犁記西元1894年 (光緒20年) .
1. 社口犁記餅店總舖 - 網址 http://www.lj-cakes.com.tw/page1-1t.php

鹿港玉珍齋本舖 , 創立於清光緒3年 (西元1877年) .
2. 鹿港玉珍齋本舖 - 網址 http://www.lukang.org/1.htm

基隆李鵠餅店僅此一家,別無分店 , 創立於清光緒(西元1882年) .
3. 李鵠餅店 - 網址 http://hipage.hinet.net/lee-hu

Moon Festival, the lunar calendar on August 15, the family reunion evening eats every year the day which the moon cake enjoys l ooking at the moon , the Moon festival is joyful!

Our family affection moon cake all manages hundred years above shop owner - The detailed material is as follows :

Feng-yuan Leechi Cake Shop , The establishment “Leechi” in 1894 (Guangxu 20) .
1. Feng-yuan Leechi Cake Shop Website http://www.lj-cakes.com.tw/page1-1t.php

Lu Kang "Yu Chen Chai" , Establishment in clear Guangxu 3 (in 1877) .
2. Lu Kang "Yu Chen Chai" Website http://www.lukang.org/1.htm

Keelung Lee-hu Cake Shop Only this , this our only shop , Establishment in clear Guang Xu (in 1882) .
3. Keelung Lee-hu Cake Shop Website http://hipage.hinet.net/lee-hu

2009年9月30日 星期三

我的結婚紀念日 !

今天10/1是中國大陸的國慶日 , 剛好這天也是我的結婚紀念日 !
Today 10/1 is China National Day, just this day also is my wink!

結婚紀念日 , 朋友們跟我們一起分享這份喜悅 !
The wink, the friends share this joy together with us!

2009年7月16日 星期四

世運開幕表演其中的偶戲 , 想起小時候的回憶 !

2009世運開幕表演其中的偶戲表演 , 讓我想起小時候每天下課放學後 , 總是與同學停留在學校附近的雜貨店(柑仔店)買糖果吃 , 含著糖看電視連續劇 - 黃俊雄布袋戲雲州大儒俠史艷文 ,並非是家中沒有電視可以觀賞 , 而是每次看完走在回家的路上 , 同學們迷戀劇情的討論 , 所產生彼此之間互動關系 , 使的父母親想不通孩子到底到哪裡了咧 ? 四處的尋找小孩 , 那段天真無知的童年 ! 偶戲個人推崇的有 1. 林柳新紀念偶戲博物館 Lin Liu-Hsin Puppet Theatre Museum http://www.taipeipuppet.com/ 2.金光總部官方網站Bangbubu.com http://www.bangbubu.com/ 台灣偶戲的代表喔 !

2009 the world games begin the performance puppet show performance,After letting me remember the childhood to finish class every day is on vacation from school,Always pauses with schoolmate in the school nearby grocery store (gamashop) buys the candy to eat,Holds the sugar to watch the TV serial - The Scholar Swordsman , Is by no means in the family does not have the television to be possible to watch , But each time looked walks on the road which goes home,Schoolmates are infatuated with the plot the discussion , Produces between each other to interact the relations , parents not to be able to thinks not clearly , Where has the child gone to ? In all directions seeks for the child , That section of naive ignorant childhoods ! The puppet show esteems personally hasLin Liu-Hsin Puppet Theatre Museum http://www.taipeipuppet.com/ 2.Bangbubu.com http://www.bangbubu.com/ Taiwan puppet show's representative!

2009年7月14日 星期二

2009世運7/16在高雄舉行 !!!

2009年第八屆世界運動會7月16日在高雄舉行 , 這將是高雄今年的重頭戲 , 高雄&愛河近幾年來蛻變為現代的城市 , 高雄捷運通車交通更為便捷 , 愛河的整治增加這個城市的浪漫 , 這跟留在腦海裡的映像中截然不同 , 這次2009的世運讓高雄這個港口都市站上國際的舞台 , 希望可以圓滿的落幕 , 讓各國的旅客有個精彩甜蜜的回憶 , 下次再次光臨我們的國家 - 台灣 . 想要了解更2009世運詳細資訊請至以下的官方網站 http://www.worldgames2009.tw/wg2009/cht/index.php

In 2009 The World Games (2009 Kaohsiung Orgnizing Committee (KOC) on July 16 are held in Kaohsiung , this will be the Kaohsiung this year climax, Kaohsiung & Love river transforming in the last few years into the modern city, the Kaohsiung DORTS is open to traffic the transportation to be more convenient , love river the improvement increasing this urban the romantic, this with keeps in the mind in the reflection entirely different, this 2009 world games let the Kaohsiung this harbor metropolis stand the international stage , hoped may complete ending , let various countries the passenger has a splendid happy recollection, next time once more presence our country - Taiwan. The wish understands 2009 the world games detailed informations please to the following official website http://www.worldgames2009.tw/wg2009/cht/index.php

2009年7月9日 星期四

農曆七月未來臨之前送豬腳麵線給父母添壽吧 !

農曆七月未來臨之前送豬腳麵線給父母添壽吧 !
Before lunar calendar in July has not approached delivers the pig's feet Fine noodles to add long-lived to the parents !

趕緊打手機給我住在台中的女兒叫她買一份豬腳麵線給外公 (我父母住台中地區) , 這是我第一次做這個習俗 , 民間習俗閏月之前要送豬腳麵線給父母添壽,閩南地區較重視這項習俗,一般都是女兒送 , 且不管有沒有出嫁,如沒有女兒,則由兒子送,為爸媽添壽。有人好幾個姊妹,會訂購一份,其餘包紅包,否則吃不完喔。
由於今年鬼門一開就是兩個月(雙鬼月)一般喜慶都儘可能避開,農曆七月諸事不宜 . 所以在農曆未來臨之前完成這個習俗吧 !

Think of early in the morning today the hurry make cell phone call lives for me in the daughter of Taichung call her buy a pig feet fine noodles for the grandfather (my parents live Taichung region) , This is the first time I did this custom , The civil custom intercalary month before wants to send to pig feet's the fine noodles to add a life for parents , The South Fukien region more values this custom , All generally is a daughter to send, and ignore to have to get married , If there is no daughter, is then sent by son , Add a life for daddy's & mama。Someone's quite a few sisters , will order 1 , the rest wraps red envelope and otherwise eat not to finishIn the lunar calendar 12 months , July is the month avoided as taboo most , Because this year ghost door an open is two months (double ghost month) , The General jubilation all as far as possible avoids , lunar calendar all things are not in July suitable. Before therefore has not approached in lunar calendar in July completes this custom !

2009年7月8日 星期三

一位巨星的猝死 ... 麥可傑克森 ( A giant star's sudden death....Michael Jackson)

一位巨星的猝死 ... 麥可傑克森昨日已下葬 , 他的人生畫下了句點 , 他的歌聲永遠留傳世人 !
我想造成他人生最大的陰影應該是他的父親 , 麥可傑克森所受父親影響之大可以由一個黑人變成白人以及不斷的整型 , 使他走上了不歸路英年早逝 , 他的父親應負最大的責任吧 !

A giant star's sudden death ... Michael Jackson yesterday has buried , His life picture has gotten down the period , His singing sound forever hands down the common people !
I want to create his life biggest shadow to be supposed to be his father, The wheat may the Michael Jackson receive big father influence may turn the Caucasian by a black as well as unceasing trueing , caused him to step onto not the return avenue the prime of life dies young , His father should take the biggest responsibility!

2009年4月26日 星期日


前天的蘋果副刊上有這六帖健康茶飲 , 由自行開業中醫師莊雅惠提供配方 , 蘋果副刊鄧瑾又報導 , 母親節將到 , 子女不妨親手為媽媽熬煮一杯茶飲 , 讓媽媽健康又窩心。媽媽為家庭勞心勞力 , 偶而有貧血頭暈問題 , 可飲用桑椹桂圓茶 , 促進造血功能補血強心 ; 若有其他如疲勞手腳冰冷、血脂過高等問題, 也可用中藥飲茶改善媽年紀慢慢增長 , 新陳代謝也會漸漸變慢而變胖 , 許多媽媽因貧血手腳冰冷需要條理下腹部 , 以及促進造血功能補血強心 桂圓及桑椹就有補血的功效 ; 炙甘草有補心強氣的功效 ; 女真子則有補腎功效 健康茶有六帖 - 玫瑰解鬱茶 (緩疲勞) 、 沙苑補陽茶 (溫下腹)、桑椹桂圓茶 (促造血) 、 甘麥
安眠茶 (助好
眠) 薄荷洛神茶 (消血脂)、涼潤美膚茶 (潤美肌) , 我的另一半覺得不錯希望我把它記錄下來我看了也感覺對婦女有益於是今天就把這六帖藥方記載下來 , 資料如下 :

玫瑰解鬱茶 (緩疲勞) - 適合 ~ 於壓力大心情鬱悶疲勞無力
材料 ~ 東洋蔘約2.5公克 、
玫瑰花4朵、桂花1/3湯匙量、麥冬約4公克、桂圓約20公克 。
做法 ~ 將中藥材略微清洗乾淨 , 加入250c.c.的熱開水沖泡 , 悶約5分鐘後去渣即可飲用。
功效 ~
注意 ~ 飯後飲用 , 一天量不要超過
沙苑補陽茶 (溫下腹) - 適合 ~ 下腹部血液循環
材料 ~
女真子11公克 、沙苑11公克、杜仲葉11公克、山藥約19公克、迷迭香約1/4茶匙量
做法 ~ 將中藥材
女真子沙苑山藥加2000c.c.水浸泡半小時 , 以大火煮沸轉小火續煮30分鐘 , 在加入杜仲葉與迷迭香悶約5分鐘後去掉藥渣即可。
功效 ~
注意 ~ 易腹瀉者加7.5克東洋蔘
; 易便秘多加11克決明子 一天勿超過2000c.c.
桑椹桂圓茶 (促造血) - 適合 ~ 於補血強心 , 可促進造血功能著。
材料 ~
桑椹11公克 、桂圓19公克 、冰糖適量
做法 ~ 將中藥材略微清洗乾淨 , 加入500c.c.的熱開水沖泡 , 悶約5分鐘後去渣 , 加入適量冰糖調味即可飲用。
功效 ~
補血強心 , 可促進造血功能
注意 ~ 不限時間飲用 , 一天量不要超過
甘麥安眠茶 (助好眠) - 適合 ~ 於睡眠品質不好或失眠時 , 易感到精神不佳
材料 ~ 浮小麥約6公
克 、紅棗2顆炙甘草1公克、茉莉花1公克
做法 ~ 將中藥材略微清洗乾淨 , 加入200c.c.的熱開水沖泡 , 悶約5分鐘後去渣即可飲用。
功效 ~
解鬱安神 , 適用於有、情緒失常、疲乏無力等症狀者
注意 ~ 睡前1小時飲用 , 一天量不要超過
薄荷洛神茶 (消血脂) - 適合 ~ 許多媽媽習慣將飯菜清空 , 容易變胖
材料 ~ 葛根7.5公
克 、黃耆7.5公桑椹3公克薄荷4公克丹參4公克 枸杞約11檸檬約2匙檸檬片2片洛神1朵。
做法 ~ 將中藥材略微清洗乾淨 , 加入700c.c.的熱開水沖泡 , 悶約5分鐘後去渣即可飲用。
功效 ~
增強新陳代謝 、促進血液循環 血脂 減肥
注意 ~
飯後飲用 , 一天量不要超過700c.c.易腹瀉者可多加茯苓11公克 ; 易便秘可多加番瀉葉3公克
涼潤美膚茶 (潤美肌) - 適合 ~ 年齡增長肌膚易乾燥 , 就易出現細紋黑斑等
材料 ~
黃耆4公何首烏4公山藥約10公克茯苓6公克 仙草6公克旱蓮11公克冰糖適量
做法 ~ 將中藥材略微清洗乾淨 , 加入1000c.c.
水浸泡半小時 , 以大火煮沸轉小火續煮1小時 , 去掉藥渣加入適量冰糖即可飲用。
功效 ~
注意 ~
不限時間飲用 , 一天量不要超過1000c.c.易腹瀉者可多加黨參6公克 ; 易便秘可多加決明子 6公克

2009年3月30日 星期一

喝補茶氣飲 , 養足好精力 !

茶氣飲 , 養足好精力 !

今天老公拿了一張報紙給我 , 是蘋果副刊2009年3月27日星期五的健康醫療副刊喝
茶氣飲 , 養足好精力報導為林耿弘先生 , 藥方由彰化天水堂中醫診所張若偉醫生提供 , 提神飲茶有四帖 - 聰明益氣飲 、 安神定志茶、滋腎明目飲 、 預防流感茶 , 補氣消夜有兩帖分別為補腦增智粥和四神健脾粥 , 我的另一半覺得不錯希望我把它記錄下來我看了也感覺對小孩有益於是今天就把這六帖藥方記載下來 , 資料如下 :

聰明益氣飲 - 適合 ~ 常感體力不濟 , 頭昏眼花著。
材料 ~ 黃耆10公克 、人蔘3.5公克、葛根3.5公克、石菖蒲3.5公克、紅棗10公克 (劃一刀剖開)。
做法 ~ 將所有藥材一起放入保溫壺中, 加入1000c.c.的熱開水沖泡 , 悶約10分鐘後即可飲用。
功效 ~ 益氣生陽 , 開竅醒腦。
注意 ~ 口臭、長痘痘等火氣大的人不適用。

安神定志茶 - 適合 ~ 氣血兩虛 , 煩勞不易入眠著。
材料 ~ 龍眼肉5公克 、酸棗仁5公克、浮小麥5公克。
做法 ~ 將龍眼肉 , 酸棗仁微炒黃後搗碎 , 加入浮小麥與水1000c.c.大火煮沸後 , 轉小火續煮15分鐘 , 過濾即可。於晚間代茶飲。
功效 ~ 養血安神。 能治失眠、失慌。記憶力減退。
注意 ~ 不可放太多龍眼肉 , 否則反會引致失眠 , 味過甘會導致腹脹。

滋腎明目飲 - 適合 ~ 高度消耗腦力 、眼力、長期久坐腰痠背痛著。
材料 ~ 山萸肉10公克 、熟地10公克、枸杞子10公克、菊花10公克、冰糖少許。
做法 ~ 將山萸肉、熟地、枸杞子加水1500c.c. , 大火煮沸 , 轉小火續煮20分鐘 , 再放入菊花 , 轉大火煮沸後熄火5分鐘 , 撈去菊花 , 再以冰糖調味。
功效 ~ 滋腎明目。
注意 ~ 不可放太多龍眼肉 , 否則反會引致失眠 , 味過甘會導致腹脹。

預防流感茶 - 適合 ~ 平時容易感冒 , 常感身體中氣不足著。
材料 ~
黃耆15公克 、白术10公克、防風7公克、山藥17公克、紅棗10公克 (劃一刀剖開)。
做法 ~ 所有材料加水1000c.c.以大火煮沸後 , 轉小火續煮15分鐘 , 過濾即可
功效 ~ 本品具有補氣與預防感冒 , 鼻子過敏之作用。
注意 ~ 口臭、長痘痘等火氣大的人不適用。

補腦增智粥 - 適合 ~ 需要大量記憶力 , 高度消耗腦力體力的考生族群
材料 ~
核桃仁粉60公克 、黑芝麻粉60公克、百合20公克、糙米 100公克、紅糖30公克
做法 ~ 將核桃仁粉 、百合、糙米一起加水1000c.c.以大火煮成粥後 , 灑入黑芝麻粉並加入適量紅糖調味即可
功效 ~ 核桃仁 、黑芝麻軟便 , 容易腹瀉的人不適用。
注意 ~ 口臭、長痘痘等火氣大的人不適用。

四神健脾粥 - 適合 ~ 胃腸功能不好 , 容易緊張性腹瀉的考生族群
材料 ~
山藥60公克 、芡實60公克、薏仁20公克、茯苓20公克、白米100公克 30公克
做法 ~ 先將一起以水1000c.c.煮成稀粥 , 再將所有藥材磨成細粉加水調成糊 , 加入白米粥中攪拌 , 可依個人喜好加適量的糖調味 , 在燉煮10分鐘即可 , 可作為小點心
功效 ~ 健脾止瀉。
注意 ~ 芡實較易收澀 , 易便秘的人不適用。

2009年3月3日 星期二

一分錢一分貨 penny money penny goods

今天下午跟我老公到附近的黃昏市場閒逛 . 買了一些蛋最近蛋價涨很多 ,現在每600公克台幣36.- , 去年的蛋價每600公克是台幣25.-~28.- , 涨了將40%真是太離譜了 , 又看買了三條白蘿蔔只要台幣10.- , 但是我擔心它的品質 , 回到家先煮一條看看 , 果然我所擔心得成為事實 , 買了煮不爛的空心白蘿蔔了 , 真是所謂的一分錢一分貨 , 又買到黑心商品了 , 真是的下次再也不去那家攤販買了 !

The evening market that gets to neighborhood with my husband this afternoon meanders along . Bought some eggs recent egg price a lot of, the now is at each 600 gram NT$36.- , The egg price in last year is each 600 gram is NT$25.-~28.- , Was really too wide of the mark 40%, and then saw buy three Japanese white radishes to want NT$10 only.- , But I worry its quality and return to a house to cook 1 first to see, indeed as expected I worry become fact, bought to cook a not lousy hollow Japanese white radish, is really so-called penny money penny goods, and then bought a black heart merchandise, be really of don't go that peddler and buy any further next time!

2009年2月4日 星期三

煮一道絲瓜蛤蠣麵湯簡單麵食打發 !

今天只有我跟老公兩人就煮一道絲瓜蛤蠣麵湯簡單麵食打發 !

材料如下 :

1. 蛤蠣半台斤
NT$25.- 2. 絲瓜半條 約NT$8.- 3. 越南雞蛋麵4捲 (一包12捲NT$ˇ38.-)NT$13.- .

作法如下 :

步驟一. 首先蛤蠣買回家後 , 予清水中加入少許鹽放入蛤蠣吐沙乾淨備用.
步驟二. 準備一小湯鍋放入清水煮沸後 , 放入越南雞蛋麵4捲煮熟後放入過濾清水中冷卻瀝乾備用.
步驟三. 將絲瓜抛掉外皮後 , 切掉頭部或尾部 (只用絲瓜半條) 切成小塊後備用.
步驟四. 準備炒鍋加熱放入麻油用薑爆香後 , 再放入絲瓜翻炒後放少許清水煮軟後 , 放入蛤蠣煮等蛤蠣微開後在
越南雞蛋麵及少許鹽即可起鍋完成 .

Today only then I boil the snake gourd oyster hot water simple wheaten food with the old hectogram person to send together!

The material is as follows:
1. Oyster 300gm NT$25. - 2. Snake gourd half treaty NT$8. - 3. The Vietnamese egg surface 4 volumes (a package 12 curls NT$ ˇ 38. -) Approximately NT$13. -.

The method is as follows:

Step one. After first the oyster buys goes home, gives in the clear water to join the little salt to put in the oyster to spit the sand cleanly spare.

Step two. After prepares a small soup caldron to put in the clear water to boil, after puts in the Vietnamese egg surface 4 volumes to boil thoroughly puts in the filtration clear water to cool drainings does spare.

Step three. After the snake gourd jettisoning cover, cuts away the forehead or the rear part (only uses snake gourd half) to sliver the scrap reserve to use.

Step four. The preparation wok heating puts in the sesame oil after Jiang Baoxiang, after then puts in the snake gourd to turn fries puts the little clear water to boil softly, after puts in the oyster to boil and so on the oysters micro to open in puts in the Vietnamese egg surface and the little salt then takes a pot off the fire completes.

2009年2月3日 星期二

聖嚴法師的圓寂 , 心中有所失落 !

今天一早醒來就聽見外面下雨聲音 , 彷彿是老天爺為了聖嚴法的圓寂而哀傷掉淚 , 昨天下午4點零4分過世聽到這消息時真不敢相信我心中的心靈大師已離開這個世界了, 真是佛界一大損失 , 在台灣佛教有四大代表 , 中部中台禪寺惟覺法師 , 南部佛光山星雲法師 ,東部慈濟證嚴法師 , 北部法鼓山聖嚴法師 , 而我對於聖嚴法師的弘法理念深植我心 , 他一生提倡心靈環保 , 說好話做好事轉好運 , 創造人間淨土 , 聽他開釋可得到心寧的平靜 , 他是一位智著也是當代的心寧環保大師 , 期望他的遺願心寧環保大學可早日實現 !

Outside today early in the morning wakes hears to rain the sound, but is as if the God died for the Master Sheng-Yen sheds tears sadly, Yesterday in the afternoon 4.04 minutes passed away hears when this news really do not dare to believe in my heart mind master left this world, really was a Buddha big loss, had four representatives in the Taiwan Buddhism, middle the Taiwan Chung Tai Chan Monastery Master Wei Chueh, south Fo Guang Shan Monastery Master Hsing Yun , the east Tzu Chi Master Cheng Yen's , the north Dhrma Drum Mountain Master Sheng-Yen , But I plant my heart deeply regarding the Sheng-Yen master's great method idea , His life advocate mind environmental protection, said the word of praise does good transfers the good luck, the creation world pure land, listens to him to release may obtain the heart rather tranquility, he is a wisdom also is a contemporary heart rather environmental protection master, expected his last wish heart rather environmental protection university might soon realize !

2009年2月1日 星期日

一下子就過完年假了 !

一下子就過完年假了 , 今天星期一大部份的公司都選今日開工 , 一大早就聽到此起彼落的鞭炮聲 , 新的一年又開始了 , 期望今年是個豐收的一年 , 祝大家牛年最流(牛)行,腳踩LaNew牛皮鞋,身穿PRADA牛皮衣,手牽LV牛皮包!

The new years vacation, today Monday the major part company has elected to begin today all of a sudden, very early hears the firecrackers sound continually, the new year started, expected that this year is abundant harvest one year, wishes everybody Year of the Ox most to flow (cow) the line, the foot steps on the LaNew cow leather shoes, wears the PRADA cow leather clothing, the hand pulls the LV cow handbag!

2009年1月23日 星期五

今天是小年夜 , 終於打掃完成了 ! Today is the lunar year evening, cleans finally completes!

今天是小年夜 , 終於打掃完成了!
Today is the lunar year evening, cleans finally completes!

接著 , 又要忙碌明天除夕夜的年菜 , 一年中最忙碌的一個星期真是很累人 , 搞不懂這些老人家的想法 , 買了一些昂貴了材料又不一定保證會做成功為一道佳餚 , 往年算一算還比去餐廳訂一桌菜還貴 , 還是一年覆一年的發生 ,
又忙又累真是無法打破的傳統迷失 !
Also then, must bustle about tomorrow lunar New Year's Eve a night of new year's dish, in one year most bustles about one week is really is exhausting very much, cannot master these old person's idea, bought some expensive materials not necessarily to guarantee that could do successfully for together the delicacies, old times calculates that also went to the dining room to subscribe table of vegetables to be also more expensive than, occurrence a year after year, was also busy at the tradition which was also tired is really unable to break losing!

2009年1月21日 星期三

我的天哪 , 錯過了聚餐時間 ! I Oh, have missed the dining together time!

我的天哪 , 錯過了聚餐時間 ! I Oh, have missed the dining together time!

前 幾天跟朋友聊天時約好要聚餐 , 應為有位移居海外的朋友要回來 , 原本以為是21貨22日這兩天中的一天 , 剛好也是兒子要大學學測的日子, 我說有空有空不用陪考要去聚餐 , 就忙著大掃除結果昨天晚上12點打開電腦上msn , 朋友留言是20號才對唉我錯過了
錯過了聚餐時間 !

Chats with the friend when approximately was couple days ago good must dine together, should to have the position to migrate the overseas friend to come back, thought originally is 21 goods on 22nd these two day of one day, just is also the son wants the day which the university study measured, I said that has free time does not need to co-proctor an exam must go to dine together, was busy at the general cleaning result yesterday evening 12:00 turning in the computer msn , the friend message was 20 talents misses to oh me has missed the dining together time!